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Development Application (DA) Services

Project Management

  • Coordinate and project manage the relevant consultants required for a DA.

  • Lodgement of the Development Application via the NSW Planning Portal.

  • Liaison with Council and consultants to facilitate a determination.

  • Attendance of Council meetings or the like.

  • Attendance of Pre-DA meetings.

  • Organise and respond additional information requested by Council (if required)


Statement of Environmental Effects

This is report is required under Schedule 1 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Regulation 2000 every development application must be submitted with a Statement of Environmental Effects.


The statement complies all of the DA documentation in a report that details the extent of works proposed against the relevant state and local planning instruments as well as detailing its impact upon the adjoining properties or surrounding environment.


Planning Advice

A simplified report to assist the client and other external consultants who are involved In the DA process comply with local and state government development controls and polices. The report typically includes the following:

  • A checklist summary of all of the development standards and controls imposed by planning instruments and local government.

  • Identifying constraints that apply to the site.


The checklist will ensure that external consultants working on the proposal stay within (or as close to) the allowable planning controls. This process significantly speeds up the DA preparation time and Council assessment time.


Site Planning

We help plan out and position buildings prior to other external consultants being engaged (such as architects and surveyors) to assist with determining what the maximum potential is for a development site of interest.


This includes conceptual subdivision layouts, potential overshadowing impacts, truck and car manoeuvring, flood levels, tree protection, setbacks, maximum floor space, building envelopes and more.


We will report on what options are available for the site and how the site will look once the applicable state and local government controls are enforced.


This report acts a detailed guideline for design practitioners to follow and usually results in quicker DA processing times when the DA application is submitted to Council as will likely not request additional information or request minimal changes which don’t take long to turn around.

Sidney Cityscape

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